SLIDESHOW: Pooches, dancing and lookalikes at Guide Dogs fun day

Chris Chittell  judged theThe dog who looks most like Eric PollardChris Chittell  judged theThe dog who looks most like Eric Pollard
Chris Chittell judged theThe dog who looks most like Eric Pollard
The fifth WJ's Doggy Fun Day in aid of Guide Dogs was held at Heath Rugby Club in Greetland.

The event was organised by Wendy Jones of WJ’s Canine Services, a dog walking, pet taxi and microchipping business in Halifax. it has become an annual event with all proceeds going to the charity.

The weather was fabulous and a massive £1,848.87 was raised on the day, with more to come. All of the proceeds will go to Guide Dogs to support a working guide dog partnership.

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Organiser, Wendy Jones, said: “Two of our volunteers who work for Lloyds bank are trying to get match funding and an anonymous donor promised £500 if I could get actor Chris Chittell who plays Eric Pollard in Emmerdale to dance the twist in the main ring. Chris kindly obliged. His dancing partner was a blind lady who did a fantastic job not falling over!

"All in all it was a fantastic day and we are so proud that the much needed funds raised will go towards another life changing guide dog partnership.”