These are the nation's top chosen hobbies during lock down

A new study has revealed the main hobbies people are choosing to do as they spend hours locked down in their homes and gardens.

Google trends data was used to research which new pastimes are currently absorbing people.  Along with classics such as baking, gardening and DIY, many are using the lockdown to learn a language, or improve fitness with home workouts or yoga sessions.

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Here are some of the most popular and affordable pursuits across the country.

1 Learning a Language

The great thing about learning a new language is that you can set your own pace and milestones. Many apps that are completely free give great introductions to a new language. You may not have spoken French or Spanish since school, but there’s no reason why you can’t begin to chat away in a new language this year. There are so many to choose from.

2 Training With Resistance Bands

With gyms and health clubs closed due to COVID-19, people are seeking alternative ways to keep up with fitness and training programmes. In the world of weight training, resistance bands tend to fly under the radar. But they are perfect for home workouts for all levels. With peaked interest for both weight training and resistance bands, the latter can hit all muscle groups and allow easy progress. Added to which, they are lightweight, easy to store and relatively inexpensive.


DIY is always a winner with British people, but there has been a steady increase in interest throughout April as lockdown measures continue. This is a perfect time to pick up jobs you’ve been putting off for ages, and if you are unsure how to proceed, buy a book online on DIY, or research through YouTube. You can still get deliveries and do click and collect to buy tools. You will learn a handy skill while improving your home.