How do you save energy in the home this festive season

Using LED lights can save valuable energy (photo: Shutterstock)Using LED lights can save valuable energy (photo: Shutterstock)
Using LED lights can save valuable energy (photo: Shutterstock)

Saving energy

Question: With gas prices soaring, how do I save energy?

Answer: There are lots of simple things you can do to keep your Christmas cosy, despite record energy prices and plunging temperatures.

Here are some practical, everyday tips for cutting energy bills that will reduce your carbon footprint too:

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Block that chimney

Santa won’t like it but it’s a good idea to block your chimney.

An inflated plastic pillow, a chimney balloon is an easy and affordable way to keep hot air in and cold air out.Draw your curtains

So many people leave their curtains or blinds open at night.

But if you close your curtains from dusk to dawn, you’ll stop expensive heat escaping via windows.

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Low carbon that sparkle

Using LED lights can save valuable energy (photo: Shutterstock)Using LED lights can save valuable energy (photo: Shutterstock)
Using LED lights can save valuable energy (photo: Shutterstock)

Make sure your Christmas tree lights – and all other lights – are LEDs.

If you have lights outside, it’s worth investing in a timer, so they automatically switch off at a certain point.

This will help local wildlife too. Artificial light at night can disrupt bird behaviour.

Seal leaky windows and doors

If you can feel draughts around window and doors, you can quickly seal them with inexpensive rubber trim, available from most DIY shops.

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Enhance your window dressing

Add a thermal lining to existing curtains or when buying new curtains, go for the thickest material you can afford and add alining. Same with blinds, choose a thermal option or blackout blinds.

Glaze over

If double glazing is too expensive, you can buy secondary glazing instead. An affordable film that you stick over windows, it can significantly reduce escaping energy.

Loft insulation

Bringing the Christmas decorations down from the loft is the perfect time to check your roof insulation. A depth of 30cm is recommended. As heat rises, it’s definitely worth topping it up to save hundreds of pounds.

Regulate your temperature