Going Green: Eat green for your good health and a safer environment

People urged to adopt plant-based diet (photo: Adobe)People urged to adopt plant-based diet (photo: Adobe)
People urged to adopt plant-based diet (photo: Adobe)

Latest article from Angela Terry

Green Green campaigner and consumer expert, Angela Terry, separates climate change facts from fiction and here she explains how you can take simple, practical steps to help save the planet. Follow @ouronehome & visit https://onehome.org.uk/ for more advice.

Q: I want to try and eat more plant-based food. Have you any tips for cutting out meat and dairy?

A: November 1 marked World Vegan Day. So, if you are looking for a fast, simple way to combat climate change in your home, eating more plant-based food is key.

Meat and dairy production is responsible for up to 60 per cent of greenhouse gases produced from farming.

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And, according to research from the University of Oxford, ditching dairy and adopting a vegan diet is the best thing you can do to help our environment.

Start off small

This is a big lifestyle change, so start slowly.

Plan your meals and try going meat-free on a Monday.

Gradually increase this to two or more meat-free days a week.

You’ll soon realise that it’s better for your bank balance and your body.