Hebden Bridge girl's action call to tackle lockdown litter

Coun Susan Press, Lottie Cliffe and Mayor of Hebden Royd Coun Val Stevens at Calder Holmes Park.Coun Susan Press, Lottie Cliffe and Mayor of Hebden Royd Coun Val Stevens at Calder Holmes Park.
Coun Susan Press, Lottie Cliffe and Mayor of Hebden Royd Coun Val Stevens at Calder Holmes Park.
A seven-year-old from Hebden Bridge has written to her local Mayor to share her concerns about littering.

Lottie Cliffe wrote a letter to Hebden Royd Town Council Mayor, Coun Val Stevens, to express her concern at the amount of litter in Calder Holmes Park.

In her letter, Lottie said: “I am writing to you as I am concerned about the environment in the park, during lockdown. There is now lots of litter in the park and I don’t like it.

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Rubbish is affecting animals’ lives and loads of creatures are getting hurt, and sometimes dying from litter. My bike tyres are also getting ruined by glass.”

Lottie impressed Mayor Coun Stevens with ideas on how to discourage those that litter including putting up posters in the park, enforcing fines, and providing dustpans, brushes and litter pickers near bins.

Coun Stevens replied: “I understand and share your concern about litter in the park. As you are a regular user of the park you will know that there are plenty of litter bins there, but the real trick is getting people to use them.”

As well as replying in writing, the Mayor paid a visit to the park to meet Lottie with her consort, Calderdale Councillor Susan Press. Calderdale Council is responsible for the upkeep of the park.

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The Mayor said: “It was a pleasure to meet Lottie, and if there were more like her the world would be a better place to live.”

To help make Hebden Bridge a green placer to live, Hebden Royd Town Council will be hosting The Big Autumn Clean Up, as part of Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British September Clean from Friday, September 11 to Sunday, September 27.

Hebden Royd Town Council will sponsor each litter picking group of at least six people that pledge two hours to clean up their community, £60 for their chosen local project/community group (with a maximum of three groups per organisation permitted).

Hebden Royd Town Council will provide litter pickers, gloves and bags and will arrange for the rubbish to be taken away afterwards too.

Full details will be announced on the Hebden Royd Town Council website, www.hebdenroydtowncouncil.gov.uk, shortly, including social distancing guidance.